mom and magic
June 10, 2004 :: 3:05 a.m.

All this time gone by, and still dland is just how it was when I left it. Actually, when I gave up on trying to come back since everytime I went to update the server would be down.

I swear, I've been trying to update atleast five times and it was a no go. Heh.

Then there's the whole mixed emotions on my diary not being visible right now too. On the one paw there's relief, fot not having to worry so much about what all I share here and who might be reading it.

Not to mention, I don't have to worry so much about needing to make a new layout, since nobody can see it anyway. I'm not sure what to go for with a theme, maybe I'll wind up just butchering one of my wallpapers and slapping it into some html. That sounds like an easy enough way out of it to me. But this IS my journal, if I'm going to be using it then I should start putting more effort and creativity into it.


So, back to my mom, I spent Tuesday with them. She's doing a lot better... we really have to fight to keep her from doing the things she's not supposed to do though. She wants to jump back in and start working, and has a lot of plans for projects around the house.

But she isn't supposed to lift anything 5 pounds.

Her cat is probably 20 pounds, she's seriously faaaaaat. We didn't start calling her a silver female version of Garfield for nothing, and as she gets older and wider she only proves that more. Lifting the cat is a definite no-no. So is allowing said cat to attempt climbing onto her stomache, where she still has the big owwie that needs dressing changed daily, in bed.

Whenever that wound is being taken care of, they have to lock Silver out of the room because she wants to get right in and "help" aka be nosy. Maybe she's wanting to clean it, but that would be so Not Good.

While Mom was in the hospital, the animals went crazy. They'd search Robot everytime he came home, sniff-investigating for any signs of her to make sure he didn't do away with her yet. Snuffy puppy would guard the back door watching for her usual running around, then just mope about all sadly. Silver started to sleep on the table by the front door, waiting for her to come back in. Mom says she really hasn't been her normal feline since she's gotten back, she acts like she's not forgiving Mom, or senses she's injured and keeping her distance.

Anyhoo, Mom went and got some staples out yesterday(I think those were from the original surgery, she missed the apointment for getting them out two weeks ago because she was still in the hospital, go figure) and should get stitches removed next week.

She's complaining about her legs getting thin, because she lost some muscles while she was in there on sleeping on meds, and now she's missing them.

Even her boss has to nag her about not coming back to work soon, but she says she's been so restless, she's so happy to start pricing things again.

She really not biding that 5 pound rule well, I saw her hauling an armload into the kitchen when it was too late for me to stop her, and then we all jumped on her at dinner when she tried moving the whole table back instead of letting us do it.

I didn't eat dinner with them though, Teddy called right before and his parents wanted to go eat somewhere. So when he came to pick me up after work er met his family at our favourite italian place. They talked about doing it on Tuesdays regularly, which could be interesting. Teddy's bro and sis sinlaw(umm, did I steal that word from gypsybelle? Oops, heh) aren't that happy about our veganism limiting their options of places though, they're just really negative about that in general.Like I said, that could be interesting. Maybe we can go to Macoroni Grill next time, since they seem to like it a lot. But his parents were talking about mexican food, and there's several places I've heard about and have been wanting to try out here so I'm hoping for that. If it happens, anyway, I never know if it will.

After dinner we all came back to the house and the parents saw our room for the first time, well since we actually moved into it that I know of. They were all in here, all seven of us at once, too. Crowded garage. Wee.

Yeah, I still haven't written about this place yet, and furthermore, I'm omitting a lot of talk we had Tuesday night, where Teddy even told his parents we might move out which shocked me. I didn't think he'd actually consider it right now. But yeah, living with his brother is pretty challenging. Even so, we couldn't just up and leave, even I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it without working something else out, like finding somebody else to rent here, which also seems pretty unlikely...

There's just too much to get into there.

Then the BEST part of the night happened... the brat went to spend a few days with her grandparents!

Holy shit nuggets, I forgot about having this kind of peace and quiet to myself. ;)

I wasn't able to get to sleep tonight because I started thinking about all of the things I want to work on tomorrow while she's out of my hair.

Oh, the joy of not having a bored teenager boring you because she's grounded and has to stay here allllll day everrrrry day for the summer.

Muhahaha... but when she get's back I'm going to have some seriously wicked new Magic decks to woop her with though!

I've been putting off working on any of my decks for over a month. I pretty much didn't even touch my card case there for most of that time. Whenever she did talk me into playing, she was actually starting to beat me a lot of the times, cuz I was just too lazy to try doing anything about it. Really, I had an overdose of the game and needed that little break. Now I have to prepare myself for competition again. The new cards of fifth dawn are mostly mean, so it's pretty easy to get to work on repairing my old decks. I've made my two main ones, the Elf deck and the Affinity one Type II now, but what sucks is that the tournaments are switching to Block instead.

I know, that all sounds like a mess, doesn't it?

I don't understand Block enough yet. It means that the selection is very limited. I have to get the sets straight, then which are what blocks. So my goal is to figure that out and come up with a good idea for a new deck fitting those rules.

But for now, I can stick to my two main ones and work on two theme decks that can let it all hang out. Teddy won't build the theme decks he wants, because he can't compete with them...but, eh, I've wanted to do it for so long and put it off that I figure I should just go for it. Atleast I can always just play the rugrat, since she's usually playing far from legal.

Mmmmn... must work on deckbuilding. So many cards, so many ideas, so fluffing addictive.


stray kitten, abandoned
still lost here in
a box w/ razorblades
AKA DFW Texass

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